Wednesday, February 28, 2007

this way lies madness

so what if `south' and `insanity' look pretty similar in arabic? thanks for showing us your homeswork, L

v beckham

two wild and crazy girls. A and O. a bonding moment.

lucano v montenegro

i don't remember what the joke was but bruni sure got a kick out of it

the goat *** choc

Friday, February 23, 2007

lieben in an elevator

the jelly donuts are back in town

i'd just like to draw your attention to the bottom-right corner of the frame. natch.


RIP. the best little phone that ever was. you will be sorely missed. even if my new phone is so much more techno. to quote a recent exchange with crowbar - `just let it go.'


finally got to meet this talented illustrator last weekend.

all i have are superlatives for his work.

finally meeting agustin

love it when your first Roman holiday is all you expected and more.
come back soon, you two

Bastello a roma

Friday, February 16, 2007

accommorlanka's not the only one who forgot

nadia really does send the best texts

Thursday, February 15, 2007

windowshopping just isn't the same anywhere else

inquiring minds want to know

the nightcap to end all nightcaps

1 bottle celebratory Polish birthday vodka
2 shotglasses
2 glasses milk
6 200 mg Ibuprofen
best consumed after 2 separate falafel pitas approx. 5 hours apart.

between nightcaps

banksy wuz here

a doctor without borders (or limits, actually)

eden's nails

friends from another life

T claims we've met before. i maintain that i would have remembered. either way, C, your presence was sorely missed.

first (and last) snowman of 2007

not sure why this picture looks so ominous, but i did snap it as i nearly bust my head open on the ice.

i *heart* me a Bellmer doll

jesus karbs you, yes he does

berlin - what `global warming?'

my partner prepares for the Pounce (TM)

Essen G7 - dump of dumps

except for the Villa Huegel. stately manor of the Krupp steel family. where the actual newsmakers were feted and from whence all press members were banished - except for me and my partner in crime and mischief M.D., who managed a daring breaking and entering feat into the hallowed halls and were only collared and literally thrown out in the rain once our surreptitious (and guilty) images were broadcast live back to the press halls on the other side of town. oops.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

`the three of them'

brage against the machine

the neti pot party

three cheers for tunated veal

a hairstylist's dream

turin apparently boasts 18 consecutive kilometers of covered those of us with high maintenance hair never have to worry about the rain

where's your drool cup, sic?

doing what she does best, ogle the chicks.

oh so humiliating

sicily poses before anyone shows up and spots her in front of her booth. she spent as little as possible schmoozing contacts and as much time as possible smoking outside the expo.
thanks for the bull.

`Crazy for Torino'

one central banker and a whole lot of investment bankers, one london trader and one rome journalist. in the coolest italian city i've been to in a while.
my head still hurts a little.

Friday, February 02, 2007

In Memoria di Me

Milutin's latest film, as a preist-in-waiting, in Saverio Costanzo's new `In Memoria di Me' premiering and in the running at the Berlinale.
see you there and break a leg

in praise of obsessions (not of mass murderers)

puff mommy!

ex-bbger who has the run of the hotel de russie and the palazzo ruspoli.
maybe we should all quit, procure sugar-daddies and pop out offspring. hats off, what-ho!

with love, from belgrade

miss you already. again